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 La Famiglia Story

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Burke F Lucchese
Family Leader & Forum Administrator
Family Leader &    Forum Administrator
Burke F Lucchese

Posts : 28
Join date : 2012-04-19

La Famiglia Story Empty
PostSubject: La Famiglia Story   La Famiglia Story EmptySun May 06, 2012 9:42 am

Chapter 1 : The intro
My name is Burke F Lucchese, I was born in Florence, Italy on 12 December 1976 - The son of Lucio and Maria Lucchese.
Let's start with some details about my father Lucio Lucchese. He was born in a family of mobsters in Florence, Italy. His father Patricio Lucchese left him his whole legacy, which wasn't only money but also a lot of power inside the Italian Kartels.. when his father died the chair of the mafia's "Don" was held to my father. He could do what ever his mind shares him.

One night, When he was about to reach home, Near our "Bistro" while driving his car he glanced the most glamorous women on earth, which was my mother Maria. While some gangsters trying to kidnap her, He quickly pulled over his vehicle of the road and went with a relentless mind to save her and sweared that what ever it could take from him he will save her and that's was the recipes i took from him courage and defending honor.
And that's where he met my mother. My father had different girlfriends that didn’t were after his looks but his money, but this woman was different. She knew Lucio from the stories that were told in the neighbourhood but it was forbidden for her to date a dangerous man like him. But it was love on first sight and the two were forbidden to see eachoter. Lucio couldn’t see her for months and decided to see her. He found the best way to marry her is only in killing her parents, it's so heartless to do that but he strung to do that so he can have her as a wife and a mother of his children. So he gave an order to kill Maria's parents and it was procceeded the way he wants. After that Maria moved to his house without knowing the true illusion she'll be living in the rest of her life.
After the marriage I was born, And was named Burke. My childhood seemed to be like.. like a dream, but at the age of 17 - it turned into a nigthmare, Our mafia Vice-Don who was called Vito assasinated him,
attempting to get his position in the mafia as The Don, the legacy says that the Vice-Don will become The Don when the actuall death of the Don.
but my father's words changed this all, he managed to change the legacy - his will said that I will be the next Don of the Mafia.
When my mother found out about his will, she went into depression because she wanted to keep me away from mobsters and mafia's works, She wanted to see me in a better life than my father had.
after we knew that Vito the Vice-Don was the killer of the great Don Luccio he ran away from italy where we could never find him, Thus i was dragged in this organistion day by day and the feelings towards Vito the killer of my father was growing with hate,anger and my motto was nothing could tackle this ever excpet on thing the death of Vito, My mother was always trying to commute the deterrent feelings i always had but she couldn't continue in that because she was died at the age of 48. My uncle, which was my own advisor he held me in his arms until I grow up and was managed to understand and live the life of mobsters.
but unfortunately he got arrested and prisoned at the will of the corrupt government members. And that's how I got bankrupt, and left me alone and fear of being assassinated in every second was filling my heart.

Until I met the two brothers who changed my life... their names? I guess you'll never find out
let's just tell call them "The Tuning Team" who really helped me in the continues of my life (The Elder brother. Was the leader of a Hitman Organisation – The best Hitman Italy knew) and his little brother his own assistant.
Chapter 2 : Catching the traitor
2th December 1995 – the day when I was about to reach seventeen years old. That night Burke was up to take his revenge by the help of the two brothers which offered him their efforts to get his father killer.Their nicknames were Agent Fourty-seven and Storm. Burke told them the terrible story and the important details about the death of his father and the place where Vito moved to. It was San Andreas. They city of gangsters where mafia weren't known there. The assassins went hunting the same moment. They started searching for Vito and the next day they found his trace. Hanging around with some gangsters called themselves Cangelosi. It was 7PM when Vito was heading to his house while the two brothers were hunting him they waited till he arrived. Although They waited for him to sleep they called me saying by words " Come to Rodeo we found where he is" I was anxious to be there so I can take my revenge, just like I wanted to. Sixteen hours later – at 1AM, Storm and Agent Fourty-seven entered the house with the company of me. Agent Fourty-seven jumped on Vito and was holding his mouth while Storm was aiming at his head. Their truck was waiting outside and they immediately loaded Vito in it. And I entered with the most powerful feeling a person could ever have the feeling of REVENGE. Words was emitting out of my soul " I WILL TAKE MY REVENGE" and then un-holstered my gun and blew his head off his body.

Chapter 3 : Starting New Life
After killing Vito, I and the assassins, Agent Fourty-seven and Storm used Vito’s "Barito" for a hideout. Few days later, I contacted my relatives. I was really short in my words which are: ‘Sell everything we have in Italy and come to San Andreas. We will start a new life’. As I wanted Lucchese’s did. They sold their houses, cars and everything they got and flew to San Andreas. With the money from the stuff they sold, I bought a building in Rodeo. After three months of hard work dealing and guarding with and for people. Me, The Tuning Brothers And the Lucchese family finished the building. They turned it into a Italian Restaurant. The restaurant was named ‘Don Lucio’, by the name of Burke’s father. My business was growing up fast, and the restaurant started being popular. People came there to eat Italian food, pizza and pasta. After one year of hard working in the restaurant, Burke started hiring his first employees. They were Alex Blunt and Brooke Flleming. Alex was a bartender and Brooke was a waiter. I started gaining my first millions and started living my life like a gentlemen. I started buying big mansions with pools and big yards. I had a garage full with luxury cars, such as: Cheetah, Bullet, Buffalo, Huntley and other vehicles. I was thinking that I won’t be like my father, won’t work with the mafia, until the day… While I was walking home, three bastards stopped me. They were Italians too. They said they are ‘La Cangelosi’. Suddenly I remembered this name. the name of the Italian set Vito was hanging around with. I wasn’t scared at all. Then one of them took out a gun with no reason and shot me in the stomach and ran. Three days later, when I woke up in the hospital, I saw The Two Brothers, Lucchese family, Brooke and Alex waiting next to me and to get on my feet again . I gained some thrilling feelings towards The Cangelosi and whispered some words to my relatives. I said: ‘We will finish them… One by one’. Couple of days later I started turning the restaurant into a "Barito" with the same designs we had in Italy and started in buying guns and weapons for the crew. They started doing some trainings and were getting ready for the big day. The day when they gonna face La Cangelosi and the overwhelming life of San Andreas.
Chapter 4 : Facing the Cangelosi
The day when I and my crew was anxious to face Cangelosi was coming. I only had few men and I needed to recruit more. Immigrants were coming from Italy for a better life and then a idea shared my mind. I bought a bus and waited for the Italians at the entrance of the Los Santos International Borders. I was saying that. Every Italian accepted to be in my crew and joined our army and contributed in growing it up. I would pay a life for him. But… I needed weapons for his men and contacted a Russian arms dealer. His name was Vlad. Burke met Vlad and everything was perfect. When I arrived to the place that I and Vlad where suppose to met, he saw a truck with opened trunk and guns inside. I slowly approached him asking him: ‘Vlad’? The Russian arms dealer said: ‘Yes, shh…’ They got into the truck and went to the "Bistro". Burke’s men un-loaded the weapons and placed them in the basement of the Bistro. I paid Vlad and thanked him for cooperating then he left, but he gave me his phone number. As the days were passing Burke needed to train his men for the battle against La Cangelosi. I called My men to the Bistro and after they arrived, he loaded them into the bus, together with the weapons. I started the engine and drove to Tierra Robada. They stopped at the shooting range and un-loaded the weapons. I asked the crew to reload their guns. After couple of hours shooting at the target, I said: ‘It’s enough for today’. I hosted a party in the restaurant because of his men’s progress. Lots of guests came to Burke’s Bistro and enjoyed the delicious Italian food. The big day was coming and Burke did couple of more trainings and was sure that his men are ready. Burke got his jeeps and guns ready and he called the men to the restaurant. They armored their selves, loaded the jeeps and went to La Cangelosi. When they arrived, Burke opened the trunk, passing Molotov's to the crew . Burke raised their hand, held it like it for three seconds and then lowered it. That was the sign to throw the molotovs to La Cangelosi. Cangelosi started leaving the building, but… Burke’s men were waiting outside with Ak-47’s and as the men were leaving the building, Burke’s men opened fire at them. Not long time after that sirens were heard. Burke and his men got into the jeep and went back to the restaurant where they celebrated their great victory.
Chapter 5 : The Ambush
Maybe I won the battle against La Cangelosi, But that was not the end
and we always knew that very well. We did the same thing again, we was
waiting for immigrants coming from Italy with his bus, offering them home.
We called the Russian arms dealer, Vlad, and told him that we in need to import some weapons. Vlad accepted our requests gently. Thus Vlad told Burke to come on the top of Mountain Chilland and where they are going to proceed this away from the city where no eyes are around.. When Burke came
there, three helicopters with special agents landed down and arrested
Burke. Burke then found out that the Russian ‘arms dealer’ was a special
agent working undercover. Burke couldn’t believe it and thought he will
finish just like his uncle Mario and the Bistro will be bankrupt and will
lose everything he fought for. The special agents took Burke to custody.
The next morning they took him to the court house and started with the
trial. The judge asked Burke did he is guilty for the fire at Cangelosi.
Burke nodded their head in agreement while looking at the ground. The judge
has decided. Burke was prisoned for ten years because of the fire and his
other illegal businesses. When Burke arrived to the prison , the police
officer told him that he got a call. When he answered, he heard a voice
saying: ‘Don’t worry, you won’t stay there for a long time – we are coming.
Get ready for the break out’.
Chapter 6 : The Break out
Yes, the message that Burke received was true. He wasn’t going to stay
there for a long. The voice that called was one of his men. It was Brooke Flleming who made Burke to feel comfy from the tone of his voice and Storm made a deal with Hilltop Militia and bought some weapons, Which is needed for a dangerous mission like
going into a prison and rescuing a man. The person who Storm and Agent
Fourty-seven contacted was Jeffrey Beretta. General of the Hilltop Militia
and old friend of Storm. Storm got his armoured truck ready and loaded the rest of thethe crew and drove to Hilltop’s base. When they got into it everybody
saluted them. Storm and Jeffrey went private in a conversation and after ten
minutes of talking in private, they got out and told their men: ‘Roll over
your sleeves, let’s load up that truck!’ Jeffrey led them to the storage
from where they took the weapons like Ak-47’s, M4’s, C4 bombs and
equipment. They loaded
o Yes, the message that Burke received was true. He wasn’t going to stay
there for a long time. The message sender was one of his man who Agent
Fourty-Seven and Storm recruited for the dangerous mission they will be facing. Agent Fourty-Seven and Storm started with the trainings and the preparations. The Two Brothers
called Jeffrey and noticed him that it's the time to do that. The Two Brothers gratefully saluted the general and the soldiers and left the base. They stored the goods in their basement and called all the men. They told them their plan
and have chosen the best of them. The plan was: ‘Kill the guards with
silenced sniper, place C4, breach inside and break Burke out’.
Suddenly, Everything changed sounds aren't normal, reactions of the soldiers subjectively changed.
Burke was in a middle of a night
mare. There were fights, stabs and everything in the prison changed, but Burke had a friend in his cell who was protecting and defending him all the time from the old-prisoners behaviours.
His name was

Drago. Burke told Drago his story and Drago replied: ‘I will help you with
your family, if your men rescue me too’. Burke nodded their head twice
towards Drago in agreement, then shook hands. That night, , The red light was turned on, the alarm too. Burke knew it was them. While
The Two Brothers were after Burke, the other men were
disturbing the guards. When Storm approached the door, he reached his
back-pack and took out C4 – placed it on the door, activating it. And
‘BOOM’ the door was broken. The Two Brothers got into the cells and cutter the cell’s bars with chainsaw. Burke told them to take Drago with them too. Storm nodded and passed them both pistols then they started running towards the helicopter. The heli was waiting and their men were fighting with the guards. Storm whistled and everybody ran towards
the helicopter and flew away. As the deal was- Drago was up to help Burke
with the Famiglia
Two Days later Burke showed him the he "Barito"and Drago said: ‘My cousins
are skilled men – they can help too’. Then Drago walked to the phone and
called Kevin, Kevin Flleming was Drago’s cousin. Three minutes later –
Kevin and one more guy came to the restaurant. It was Fred. They both were down, Drago was shocked to see Brooke Flleming his cousin too in the organisation corrupting with them.
Drago’s cousins. Kevin and Armin and shook hands with Burke’s men and met each
others and were ready to die for Burke and Drago.
Chapter 7 : The Revenge
After Burke’s break out, La familia lucchese organised a meeting in their bistro where they were planing how to reach Vlad's neck to slice it into pieces to pay for betraying them. But Drago's idea was to get him alive. Burke took by Drago's words and asked the two brothers to get him alive.
After long time of searching they finally got him by tracking his car GPS system.. Smart.. They kept tracking him until they found a specious area with no body around so they can force him to pullover and that's what really happened he pulled over his vehicle and went down, with in a second storm was holding his neck threading him to get in the vehicle by hard words.
saying: ‘You move – you dead’. Vlad couldn’t recognise their voices because
they were wearing hockey masks and their voices were muffled. They threw Vlad into the trunk and drove to the of the Bistro. where Burke was
Anxiously waiting for their arrival. Burke got prepared a barrel with water inside it. His plan was to
drown Vlad to death to make him suffer, and YES that's what happened nothing stopped him from doing that. He nervously grabbed Vlad by his a
and started drowning him. One minute after that bubbles have stopped coming
out from the water and Vlad’s body wasn’t moving. Which was a sign that he is dead. Burke told one of his men to
throw him in the sea. They rolled Vlad’s body in a carpet, drove to the
Docks and threw the dead body there. Later the crew celebrated with their revenge.
Chapter 8: The Italian Job
La familia Lucchese was arranging for a big business in San Andreas. They were ready to do everything. But they started with the black market, Burke's vision was in handling Storm
‘The Dealership’ Division. As soon as he knew that Storm is ready for such a position in a mafia organisation. Storm’s job was to sell and buy goods. Making
deals… Storm and Burke bough armored truck to stop the bullets touch the
goods. And gain money to be deposited in our family safe. Also we needed a system to be protecting us. Which was ‘The Security Division' which was held to Brooke Flleming. Since he was known for his intelligent and brilliant system managing to guard the Bistro.
Later, After several months of hard working, They was up to a task big one. details about it was more than a top secret. It was delivering a drug container into the ship loading to Italy, our two divisions took part in this tasks Storms plan was to load drugs inside the stomachs of the fishes to assume sending a fish container to Italy. Security team took place in securing the drugs from the storage to the Bistro to be loaded their by the men and then delivering it to the ship. But there was the biggest surprise no one ever expected cops were surrounding the ship and opening the crates and the containers and searching for something wasn't known. When Brooke discovered the weather there it was his own decision what to do. Take the risk and enter to load the container? or to forget it and go back from where he came. But his thoughts was positive to enter and load the container. He shouted for a backup standby which means be close to our position we might need you anytime. And then Brooke faced the cop gave out the permissions for loading the container. The cops glanced in the papers very quick. And then looked in Brooke's eyes with a provocative look and then proceeded the permission and loaded the container, But cops wheren't managed to discover the plan of the fishes but the trap was that they where tracking us. When we noticed that we trapped them. We called for the reset of the men and fooled them we acted like robbing some civilians which were two of our men and asked for the cop and when they showed up our security internal team was positioned everywhere and sniped most of the cops where the rest of the men took there lives.
Last but not least Burke started a division called ‘Assassins’. The leader of it was Agent Fourty-seven and his job was to kill people for money. Burke was making deals with other families and was sending Agent Fourty-seven on a mission.
The deal was: Agent Fourty-seven will kill the target, bring the body to
the family and they gonna pay Burke. Also, Agent Fourty-seven’s job was to
kill the traitors. Agent Fourty-seven was wearing a hockey mask, police
armor and gloves, so they won’t find out who he actually is. And that’s the
way Burke was getting richest and richest also by the security external team which were guarding people In many spots.

A relatively new but very talented member of the Lucchese mafia called Ope Dutchman, stood in the bistro and was working on some new files. When
suddenly the door was slammed... ten to fiftheen members of the Kuchera
Crime Family, full armed entered and asked about My place and the high staff
were. Ope kept his hands on his holster and refused to release information.
Tony grabbed a nine-milimeter and prodded into Ope his belly. '' Where is
he! '' he shouted several times but Ope prefered to pay a life better than releasing information. When I came out of my Office with several guards walking around me for internal safety
safety. Tony anthem Ope lose and walked confidently towards me with the
weapon still in his hand. He told me or the advent of Kuchera back in
Los Santos and that he was forced to share his drugs profit with the
Kuchera Crime Family it would be equivalent from now on and had to be
distributed to Kuchera. Me, Ope and Drago laughed hard and serenely. He
wasn't going to share its accumulated drug cartel with a loser who just had
started with a couple of street dealers again. He refused the offer even
though Tony and Kembo said that they would forget everything about the
past. He founded his weapon to the ground and shot Tony in his foot. I
clapped my hands and closed the gate for the Kuchera group that stood
in front of him within him and the gate. A sleeping poisen was spred trough
the room within seconds back and the Group was stunned and turned off.

The next morning the Kuchera's were awake on the Summit of Mount Chillad,
naked and tied. Ope trailed his SPAS-12 focused on Tony with a angry facial
expression, walking around nerviously. He kicked once and rolled Tony of
the mountain. There was never a body found of one of the murdered Kuchera
members on the mountain that day. Ope made much impression on Burke and
soon he had reached a high position in the family by his former experience
as a leader.
Chapter 9: Communicating in streets
After spending too many efforts in defeating enemies such as random out-comers, Cops and street gangs and trying with a relentless mind to approve the name of Lucchese family in the streets. We found day by day a great boost in our members and duties on us getting much harder and responsibility impacting our souls and taking a large place in our reactions. In every breath coming out was a lesson for the new comers about how to live a mafia's life, how to react like one, how to observe people thoughts and reactions. And finally how to deterrent minds illusions in hard situations they'll be facing in the future of a mafia member. We found our selves in-need for alliance with some of San Andreas street gangs. Such as "Market Blocc Crips" Which can help us in tackling street problems mainly government problems. With the rush of time we found that we're rising an organisation which needs to supply their selves with money and guns. And that was when La Familia Lucchese started owning the black market of San Andreas.
Chapter 10 : A Start from the end
After spending one year of hard working members from all the divisions Thus, the name of La Familia Lucchese has been raised in the streets of San Andreas. Burke's idea was to organise a meeting which wasn't a random one. It was called by Drago the "Destiny Meeting" which no one understood why it was named like that. Life was just normal a day following a day just when Drago spoke in our radio frequency and called for us. Giving an order to drop everything we're and to meet at the Bistro. Everyone was worried and non-stable feelings was between La Familia Lucchese workers.
Everyone responded Drago's words and dropped the business and went to the Bistro. When they were there group by group they were told to head to the meeting room. When we found Burke sitting on the main chair, Drago. Next to him and we well distributed by Drago's around the table. After everybody took a seat sound of silence almost reached them to fear. No one knew what's going to happen. When suddenly Burke spoke some words and said: " We've been growing up day by day we are now an organisation not a restaurant like before. Everyday we might get in trouble I can't take the risk for you to be jailed because you working for me!!, Unless all of you tell me the word that will make me continue in this organisation if you in please tell me in words " YES" I don't need to hear more detailed. Again for one more time sound of silence took a part in our meeting as everyone went deep with his mind sharing ideas with it. We everyone eyes were up. Burke was amazed that the answer from all of them is "YES" he was so grateful and promised them by word: " Like you serve me I will serve you. Like you fight for me I will fight for you BUT if you betrayed me I will blew your head off" everyone nodded in agreement. When we was about to sand up and leave Burke announced that Drago Flleming is the Vice-Don.
This meeting was truly different as they said but the main answer was "YES" can they do it ? Can they handle the troubles they going to face!" That was the last words Burke shared his mind with in this meeting.
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Kara Lucchese
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La Famiglia Story Empty
PostSubject: Re: La Famiglia Story   La Famiglia Story EmptySun May 06, 2012 11:26 am

Amazing !!
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La Famiglia Story Empty
PostSubject: Re: La Famiglia Story   La Famiglia Story EmptySun May 06, 2012 12:29 pm

Wow that is awesome man good job.
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La Famiglia Story Empty
PostSubject: Re: La Famiglia Story   La Famiglia Story EmptyTue May 22, 2012 10:43 am

Looks nice Razz
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La Famiglia Story Empty
PostSubject: Re: La Famiglia Story   La Famiglia Story EmptyMon May 28, 2012 12:37 pm

Well , i'm glad we posted the app LOl
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